Memory Card Game created in under 2 minutes
I created the - Memory Card Game in less than 2 minutes. I've used to consumed 2 full days of programming and about a week before going live. With the help of AI online tools, this can be done a lot faster.
I bought a matching domain name ( to make it easier to come back and play again. The Game is always free at KING.NET website.
This enhanced version includes all the requested features:
- Timer: Tracks the game duration.
- Difficulty levels: Easy (6x6), Medium (8x8), and Hard (10x10).
- Scoring system: Based on moves and time. Correct matches award 10 points, mismatches deduct 2 points.
- Animations: Added flip animation for cards.
- Leaderboard: Stores and displays high scores using localStorage.
- Share buttons: Allow sharing results on Twitter and Facebook.
Additional improvements:
- Improved UI with a game container and styled controls.
- Start game button to begin a new game with selected difficulty.
- Responsive design for better mobile experience.
The game now offers a more complete and challenging experience with multiple difficulty levels, score tracking, and social features. Feel free to ask or comment below, if you want any part of the code explained or if you'd like to make further modifications!
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